Legio Gravitas

Moving from planet to planet, the Legio Gravitas spread their great crusade throughout the galaxy…

Name: Legio Gravitas
Late Great Crusade
Imperial Loyalist

The following is a work of Fan Fiction - This is unofficial homebrew lore for the universes of Warhammer, a Games Workshop IP. 


Originally birthing from a forgeworld within the fold of the 500 Worlds of Ultramar, this Titan Order never saw a true terrestrial home bestowed upon them. This was due to their convenient proximity upon initial deployment in the Great Crusade to numerous ongoing conflicts that required the calculated and unyielding touch of a Titan’s fury. The Legio Gravitas lived almost exclusively among the stars on the great forge transports of the Adepticus Mechanicus, as they are constantly shipped from warzone to warzone. Specialising in outflanking and redeployment, this repeated sight of the Legio making planetfall time and time again, frequently reinforcing the same armies throughout entire campaigns came to see the Legio’s adoption of the monika ‘entering gravity’ to return to the fray, rather than the original reference to their destructive and noble duty being carried out with ‘gravitas’.

“Victory is achieved through mettle.
Glory is achieved through metal.”
- Gallius Ragvar

The Order maintains a joke by tradition that, surely, the next planet to be violently brought into the embrace of the Imperium would be bestowed upon them as recognition for their skill and loyalty. The bittersweet punchline then inevitably came in the form of the higher powers declining such requests as the Legio Gravitas was shortly mustered and launched to their next destination, supplemented with declarations of “they’re right, the planet was unsuitable for us anyhow. We glassed it too thoroughly!”

Legion Colors

The colours bedecking the God Engines of the Legio Gravitas feature a predominant ivory white, segmented with partitions of black and burnt orange. Whereas most Legios take a spearhead of greater engines and push forth over the tops of their foes, this Order’s esoteric take on tactics sees packs of lesser titans swing around one wing of their lynchpin war machines, sweeping obliterating fire across entire flanks of armies. While impetuous princeps from rival orders strike out on their own for individual glory, the members of Legio Gravitas take immense communal satisfaction in coordinated, overwhelming firepower over a scorched battlefield that once held their surprised foes that dared to underestimate them.