Sisters of the Old Blood

We bear the blood of our honored fallen, so that we may carry on the legacy and burdens they could not…

Name: Sisters of the Old Blood
38th Millennium
Home world:
Sanctum Exsanguis
Imperial Loyalist

The following is a work of Fan Fiction - This is unofficial homebrew lore for the universes of Warhammer, a Games Workshop IP. 

Sisters of the Old Blood

Sisters of the Old Blood are a small covenant under the direct order of Our Martyred Lady. While their discovery was founded in the 38th Millennium, sources say that their teaches lie much further buried in history, forgotten to time. It is their belief that the blood carried within the truly devote will lead them to victory and glory in the emperors’ name. While in battle, sisters of this covenant will gather the blood of the fallen in order to repent, carry their legacy and burdens. On their home world in the Sanctum Exsanguis it is said that a large golden chalice lies within where the blood of the fallen are kept. Thus, their namesake was created. It is within these walls it has been witness that some superior sisters will redactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredactedredacted.

Sisters of the Old Blood are often called to deal with monstruous atrocities that escape the warp, finding themselves on many different worlds and systems. However, once their journeys is completed- they must make a pilgrimage back to their home world to deposit of any blood carried with them as well as their prey.

“With each fallen, a new chapter is written in the annals of our covenant. We drink of their blood, not in sorrow, but in reverence, for in their essence lies the key to our eternal crusade." - Freya ‘Word Bearer’ Domiticania

  • Coming Soon…

  • Sisters of the Old Blood bare a similar colour scheme to the order of Our Matryered Lady. However, they opt for more darker colours and robe fittings. Their robes also acting as ceremonial garb for when they return to their home world.
