Steel Legion 62nd ‘Ironcoats’

“Defend those munitions with your lives! For the foul greenskins will receive them soon enough and the 62nd always deliver!” -Unknown Sergeant

Name: Steel Legion 62nd
Imperial Loyalist

The following is a work of Fan Fiction - This is unofficial homebrew lore for the universes of Warhammer, a Games Workshop IP. 

62nd ‘Ironcoats’

The 62nd are a contingent within the Steel Legion forces of Armageddon, their origin found during the 2nd War of Armageddon as Yarrick mustered Hades Hive into producing a militia capable of flummoxing multiple attacks from the orks. Those fighters who worked and defended the munition and vehicle factories used heavy factory aprons over their outfits to afford protection against shell cook-offs, frag blasts and the incendiary-based weapons used recklessly by both sides. The survivors swore by the worth of their makeshift cladding until it was adopted as an unofficial uniform to those militia and workers. Due to their unwavering resolve to fight to defend their factories of war during the eventual fall of Hades Hive, the heavily diminished division was awarded a boon: heavy overcoats, with blast and las-dampening padding and plates filling out the uniform. During the 3rd War of Armageddon these coats were furnished to the proven and hardened veterans within the ranks of the reformed 62nd. Both a medal of honour and a hefty reminder of duty, these soldiers are often seen spearheading into ferocious fights in defence of key positions and breaches into the vast factories in the hives the 62nd still defend, leading to their moniker “Ironcoats”.

“Duty. Honour. Glory. Death. And in that order, trooper Lossk.”

-Senior Officer Hel’Ghan

Due to their reliance on swift redeployment, the 62nd are among the most outfitted companies with Chimeras within the Steel Legions, with crews often waiting at the end of assembly lines to take freshly constructed warmachines directly into conflict.

Ironcoat Colours

While sharing the same ochre-toned fatigues with the majority of the backbone of the forces of Armageddon, the Ironcoat’s namesake is a dull grey- a callback to the industrial aprons of the division’s origin. The armour components are also a typical green drab, tinted brown with the smog and soot from the factories they defend.